Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. All employees, volunteers and those acting on our behalf must play their full part in safeguarding people who come into contact with the charity. They have an obligation and responsibility for safeguarding and to achieve the commitments in this policy. They are responsible for the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of their safeguarding activity.
No one should ever experience abuse through our activities. Prevention, awareness and empowerment are core elements of effective safeguarding arrangements.
Everyone, be they beneficiaries, donors, Partners, Members, volunteers, or staff, has the right to protection from abuse or harm of any kind regardless of their experience, background or status.
We recognise that abuse can be perpetrated by anyone and could take place anywhere. Abuse can be a single or repeated act, or failure to take appropriate action, which causes harm or distress to a person. We take a holistic approach to safeguarding and seek to promote the welfare of all those affected by our work.
The primary consideration when managing safeguarding is always to act in the best interests of those at risk of or experiencing harm. The welfare of the individual is paramount and we will always consider how best they can be supported and the potential effect the application this Policy may have on their life.
Working in partnership with children, young people and vulnerable adults as well as their carers and parents is essential for effective safeguarding practice. We will be providing everyone connected with the organisation (including parents, children and volunteers) with the opportunity to be heard about safeguarding matters; including sharing any concerns which they have about risks of harm.