Cricket & Golf

Norfolk Golf Classic

Venue: Barnham Broom Golf Club

Join the Norfolk Lord’s Taverners region for a wonderful day of golf at Barnham Broom in partnership with Quickfire Digital.

Tim Luckhurst was elected to the Trustee Board in April 2020 and became Chair in May 2020, having been a Taverner for a number of years.

Tim has a banking background, having worked for RBS for 34 years, which involved him working in Europe, Middle East, Asia and North America. His experience concentrated upon relationship management within the asset finance industry with a focus upon real estate and shipping projects.

Tim plays his cricket for Tunbridge Wells as well as turning out for the Taverners on a regular basis. He is also captain of the Kent over 50's side.

He said: "Cricket has always been a huge part of my life with Dad playing for Kent, so becoming a Taverner just seemed like the natural thing to do. Over time, I've got to learn more about the impactful programmes they've run and when they asked for volunteers to become a trustee, I felt I had relevant skills to be able to help.

"Since becoming a trustee, I've been given the chance to attend Wicketz, Super 1's and Table Cricket events. It's made me even more proud to be a Taverner when you see the real difference, we can make to the lives of so many young people and their families as they battle inequality."


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