Regional Events

Middlesex Dinner & Balloon Debate

Venue: Lord's Cricket Ground

Join the Middlesex region for their 29th Annual Dinner and Balloon Debate in the Long Room at Lord's Cricket Ground.

The Long Room hosts the evening with the line-up of panellists trying to win the coveted title!

The four balloonists are:

Hugh Dennis - English comedian, presenter, actor, impressionist and writer. He appeared in every episode of Mock the Week.

Tracey Crouch MP - British politician who is MP for Chatham & Aylesford and was Minister for Sport, Civil Society and Loneliness 2015-2018.

Simon Evans - Stand up comedian, columnist and host of six series of Simon Evans Goes to Market on BBC Radio 4.

James Waterhouse - Ukraine Correspondent for BBC News since June 2022 and a former professional rugby union player.

Gordon Kennedy - Master of Ceremonies, Lord’s Taverners Trustee and Balloon Debate Winner 2007.

For more information or to book, please contact or call 07540 319115.

Bookings will be taken on a first come first served basis as places are limited.

Event information


Lord's Cricket Ground


Wednesday 13 December 2023


£140 per ticket

£1,400 per table of 10


Three-course dinner

Half a bottle of wine

Balloon debate


6pm - Drinks at the Long Room Bar

7pm - Dinner

11pm - Carriages

Dress Code

Black tie / formal evening wear


Event location

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