Little boy striking a circket ball

Members' Zoom Meeting

Our second Lord's Taverners Members' Zoom meeting took place last week and for those unable to watch the update on the charity's activities, you can watch the evening in its entirety by clicking on the video at the bottom of this page.

The evening included an inspiring and insightful look into what lockdown life has been like for many of our participants with Glasgow Wicketz Development officer Nauman Javaid and Yorkshire Disability Development officer Rohan Randhawa - it really was eye opening to hear of the challenges faced by these communities and how our programmes continue to help in these areas and around the UK.

There was also a chance to get an update on regional activity with Chair of Regions Tracy Warrington and Ed Meggitt plus the latest news from Chair of the Trustees, Tim Luckhurst.

Hosted by Chris Cowdrey, you can also hear the thoughts of President David Gower and trustee Mike Gatting on all things cricket around the world including England's performance in India.

Just click on the video below to watch the evening in full.

Charity Update

Members' Zoom Meeting

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