
Statement from Chairman, Tim Luckhurst, regarding the Review of Governance

My message to the Lord’s Taverners after being elected Chairman in May this year focused on the need to continue to deliver our phenomenal life-changing programmes and to unite the Board of Trustees, staff, members and supporters so that collectively we can help more young people more often. Needless to say it has been a busy and rewarding few months and this is a short message ahead of a more detailed set of announcements I will be making in September after our next Trustees’ meeting.

The charitable programmes that we run have a huge impact on tens of thousands of young people up and down the country. Our Impact Report clearly demonstrates this. And it is because our work is so vital to so many young people that we need to ensure the running of the Taverners is first class. 

Since being elected as Chairman I have overseen a Review of Governance carried out by Andrew McDonald, who many of you will know. Andrew’s brief was to ensure we are 'match fit' for the months and years ahead and ready to fulfil the potential that the Lord’s Taverners clearly has. 

The Review of Governance is now complete and has gone to the Board for consideration and to create an implementation pathway. I will announce the details of the Review and the resulting action plan after the next Board meeting in September.

I would like to thank Andrew for his hard work, professionalism and candour in producing the Review of Governance. My thanks also go to all the people who provided valuable insight and opinion through interviews with Andrew, to my Board of Trustees for their input and professional advice, and our executive team for their positive contributions.

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