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Regional Events

North Norfolk Christmas Lunch and Shopping Day

Venue: Briarfields Hotel

Join the Lord’s Taverners North Norfolk region for a fun filled day of Christmas shopping and festive lunch at the Briarfields Hotel. 

The Lord's Taverners Hertfordshire region welcomes you to join us at the Hertfordshire Christmas Lunch.

Our annual seasonal festivities are held at Woollams magnificent clubhouse, St Albans, Hertfordshire. The afternoon will begin with drinks, followed by a superb three course lunch with half a bottle of wine included and a paying bar remaining open throughout the afternoon. The entertainment starts with a dazzling magician, followed by an auction and raffle hosted by former Taverners President Chris Tarrant. The event will conclude with community singing, getting you all into the Christmas spirit! 

Please contact mike.keith2@ntlworld.com for more information.

Event information


Woollams Club House


Friday 13 December 2024

Event location

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